
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Moving my scale to the kitchen

Water. I love water, so why don't I drink more? I have come to realize that I am a great procrastinator--totally didn't ever think I would be one. It is one of my most serious problems. I resolve to drink more water.
I am going to go to that meeting tomorrow night, so I will have to miss the RS party--I really want to go to the party too, but I guess I have to choose.
I have such sympathy for your bruises. We take longer to heal now and it is just not funny. Why did you go to the chiropractor--do you have a standing appt?
I have started taking 15 minute walks each day and plan to expand on the time and intensity. I would like to join a gym, but again, I am a great procrastinator--the last time I had a gym membership, I just kept putting off going. I need to forgive myself for a thousand things and just move on.

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