
Monday, March 29, 2010


Sunday I was studying the lesson for Sunday School. I got a late start but it got me to thinking about my determinations over my weight issue. I seem to learn much more when I read an uptake on someone elses insight to the topic of discussion. However, it helped me to make this point! This point was brought out from Meridian Magazine by Phillip Allred.

It was in context of how Joseph could RESIST not only Potiphar's wife's advances but also overcome what could have been an overwhelming sense of hopelessness and abandonment. Resist is the key word for me + sometimes we have hopelessness when we don't reach our goals and we abandon them to eat something that isn't as healthy as it should be for us.

He and his brothers grew up in the same family. Had the same instruction I am assuming throughout the years. They all made choices and some not so good resulting in Joseph being sold into Egypt. Joseph took to the teachings of his father and loved the Lord and now he is a young man thousand miles away from home and he is doing his best to keep the standards taught to him by his parents. Brother Allred states that every time he came up against temptation he remembered the teachings of his parents at home. He looked sin in the face and stood like a rock.

So for me I have many food temptations. I need to remember that their will always be food. I need to stand up against the foods that are a temptation for me and stand like a rock against it.

Aren't we suppose to compare ourselves to the scriptures? I am a believer that I will be healthy and record what I eat....I DO do better. Thanks to the iTouch in recording my food intake. Otherwise I wouldn't be very good at it.

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