
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Good Thoughts

I have a driven nature sometimes to do things for other people who may be going through hard times. Sometimes I let my imperfectism get in the way of my accomplishment. Long story short; I am following my gut feeling on it and let the pieces fall where they may.

Yesterday I was out shopping for Easter treats and books for my grandchildren and I was looking for a treat for myself. One of the sweeter side of treats we bought years ago was red and black licorice; cherry nibs or pieces. I bought the bag or cherry pieces and while driving home from Costco listening to a positive phrase tape on weight loss ate piece after piece of the licorice and there still is a little over half of the bag left. Some how I don't think that is suppose to happen at the same time....eating a sweet and listening to a tape on being strong against tempting foods!!!

I have heard it said that we shouldn't cut out the sweets totally because when we come upon the temptation we may not be able to eat only a few bites but maybe the whole bag. I ENJOYED the handful of licorice immensely. I didn't lose a pound but I didn't gain one either. Overall I felt good about all of the other things that I ate.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Sunday I was studying the lesson for Sunday School. I got a late start but it got me to thinking about my determinations over my weight issue. I seem to learn much more when I read an uptake on someone elses insight to the topic of discussion. However, it helped me to make this point! This point was brought out from Meridian Magazine by Phillip Allred.

It was in context of how Joseph could RESIST not only Potiphar's wife's advances but also overcome what could have been an overwhelming sense of hopelessness and abandonment. Resist is the key word for me + sometimes we have hopelessness when we don't reach our goals and we abandon them to eat something that isn't as healthy as it should be for us.

He and his brothers grew up in the same family. Had the same instruction I am assuming throughout the years. They all made choices and some not so good resulting in Joseph being sold into Egypt. Joseph took to the teachings of his father and loved the Lord and now he is a young man thousand miles away from home and he is doing his best to keep the standards taught to him by his parents. Brother Allred states that every time he came up against temptation he remembered the teachings of his parents at home. He looked sin in the face and stood like a rock.

So for me I have many food temptations. I need to remember that their will always be food. I need to stand up against the foods that are a temptation for me and stand like a rock against it.

Aren't we suppose to compare ourselves to the scriptures? I am a believer that I will be healthy and record what I eat....I DO do better. Thanks to the iTouch in recording my food intake. Otherwise I wouldn't be very good at it.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I love Greek Yogurt! A possible issue is ....that it costs me a lot of money to buy the kind I like called Fage. I mentioned before how great it tastes and how expensive it is that awhile ago I bought a Euro Yogurt maker. I pulled it out of the box and cleaned it up and made a batch of yogurt. I think that I could substitute some of the Fage for this yogurt.

It's been a long time since I had a cooking therometer but it is something you will need if you want to make yogurt. It doesn't make a lot and so I will have to make it often. But it will be a nice trade off so that I don't have to buy so much of the other. It makes six small jars. I like it plain the best.

Friday, March 26, 2010

This too shall pass!

I am feeling a bit lost and falling behind a little on my food and exercise goals. I was an avid exerciser and water drinker; but now with my injury I find I am not doing the first at all and the second less than I should. I thought I was getting better but the progress is so slow. I am thinking that by the middle of next week if I am not feeling better then I should go in for other tests. I may be at this level of thinking because we are odd creatures of habit wanting what we want when we want it. That's a mouthful! We want to be healed yesterday. Well there you have my thoughts on the matter. I have to be patient; not one of my strong suits and think to myself and this too shall pass!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Power of the Moment

I have been spending quite a bit of time watching over the grandchildren when Jacque is gone. When I am not playing with them I got out all books that I apparently got on sale from Barnes and Noble or a second hand shop that I thought I needed to help me with my ever ending issues with becoming a 'better me'. Such books are.. Health/Fitness; detox cookbook;3-Hour Diet; Dr Bridells Logical and Completely Guaranteed Diet; 15 minute cookbook; the Shangrali Diet; Heart and Healthy Living 1magazines; Dr. Phil's The Ultimate Weight Solution; Eat My Words; the 60-Seconds to weight Loss Success; and my new favorite is the Well Being Journal. The latter I have been like a sponge full of water taking it all in.

Most people who know me that I have a library full of books but I have decided to read each of these books and find what I like from them and then give them away. If they aren't useful then maybe they will be for others. I don't want to harbor books that will not help me be the best me.

Here are some 60 second tricks to help us when we go browsing for something to eat.

Place a post it note that says; "What you're looking for isn't here!" in places to find at low moments as reminders of what you're really seeking---a healthy body and self-mastery.

Keep disposable gloves in your kitchen and purse. wear them while cooking or at the movies to stop mindless nibbling.

Keep warm soapy water in the sink or a big bowl while cooking. Immediately place mixing beaters, bowls and spoons in it to avoid extra licks and tastes. (I think this one WOULDN'T work for me. I would just clean out the bowl before putting it in the sink.)

Keep an extra toothbrush and toothpaste in your purse,, desk drawer and the bathrrom closest to the kitchen. Quickly brush your teeth after all meals and snacks.

Take a motivating pictures and put it on your fridge; in your pantry or where you look for things to eat to motivate you to not eat extra snacks.

Monday, March 22, 2010


I had all good intentions of rising this morning to exercise. I have strict orders from Wade and my husband that I am NOT to exercise or garden or vacuum this week. So I said then I can sit and read books; find and make good foods. That is the good worries. Well I wouldn't go so far as to say that...perhaps a better word would be concerns.

I sure appreciate the days that I do feel good and accomplish a lot. This too shall pass.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dr. Oz's Ten Commandments for Weight Loss

I have mentioned to you probably a few times that their are certain topics out there that I am like a sponge; weight loss tips is one of those for me. This is what he said:

1) Thou shalt not wear pants that stretch. Wear set size!
2) Thou shalt not keep fat clothes in your closet when you lose weight.
3) Thou shalt not eat meat that walks on four legs more than once a week.
4) Thou shalt not graze or browse in search of prey? Use your brain rather than impulses. Plan your meal and snacks ahead of time.
5) Thou shalt not eat after 7:30 p.m.
6) Thou shalt not pile food more than 1" high on plate.
7) Thou shalt not chew thy food less than 20 times. It takes awhile for your biological blubber to connect with your brain to say you have enough intake of food. Their is a back and forth chemistry between your stomach and your brain to let you know what weigh you will be happy at.
8) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors plate nor sneak bites of it.
9) Thou shalt not carry small bills. Meaning that the vending machines like your $1 bills and change.
10) Thou shalt not eat while standing up or in a car.

I can say honestly that I do well numbers really well. That is over half the points of success. I have not problem eating a good breakfast which is my favorite meal of the day; lunch second and then dinner third. I usually am done eating by 6:00 every night is always my goal. I have some work on the grazing and browsing end of it all. I am on the road to success. Yahoo!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Moving my scale to the kitchen

Water. I love water, so why don't I drink more? I have come to realize that I am a great procrastinator--totally didn't ever think I would be one. It is one of my most serious problems. I resolve to drink more water.
I am going to go to that meeting tomorrow night, so I will have to miss the RS party--I really want to go to the party too, but I guess I have to choose.
I have such sympathy for your bruises. We take longer to heal now and it is just not funny. Why did you go to the chiropractor--do you have a standing appt?
I have started taking 15 minute walks each day and plan to expand on the time and intensity. I would like to join a gym, but again, I am a great procrastinator--the last time I had a gym membership, I just kept putting off going. I need to forgive myself for a thousand things and just move on.


I have read oodles of books about nutrition over the years. From Dr. Biddle's Diet book his suggestion is to drink a glass of water before each meal and each snack. I drink a lot of water during the day; but I have yet to master or to remember to drink before each meal or snack. That will be on my agenda this week as I am not able to exercise.

Another day with high insights ahead! I went to the chiropractor yesterday. As he was punching me here and there I said it doesn't hurt there. Cliff said by the time he is done you will! Of course, it hurt to laugh but I am breathing better and I can move a lot better I just can't pick up Baer yet. I am not able to do gardening yet but hopefully next week the weather will be nice and the dead flowers won't be going anywhere and it will still be there for me when I get better; as I am the only gardener in the house.

This is just a sprinkle in my life and it will soon pass!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I am so sorry for the pain you have in your side--amazing how things happen. even more sorry for Jackie--there are a lot of baaaaaddd drivers out there.
I am going to go to a class on Thursday pm--oh, that is RS dinner night! Pain. I guess that I will decide what to do. The class is an introduction/tutorial on the diet.
Keep your resolve strong. Everything matters.


Marjie I am glad that you found the site all right! It does help to write things down. Yesterday was not the best day for Jackie and I. Someone rearend Jackie's Armada and totaled it and left her with pain in her back and neck. I was carrying Baer around and we cut a corner to quickly and he knee-ed me in the side and I am in pain and can't lift anything. So it is difficult for the both of us to move today. With this happening I won't be exercising for probably the rest of the week; so I will have to watch my intake of food so as not to gain any weight. I have started to weigh myself again to hold myself accountable. I fluctuate between two pounds but despite all the has happened over the last three months trying to adjust my food levels without a diet I think I have done fairly well. So I can say that I have officially lost 32 lbs. You go for it Marjie. I think the hardest thing for me was not to have any fruit at all. It did help to have someone else doing it with me. I am sure Jennifer will be a big support for you through all of it and what I am saying I am here for you! Go for it and enjoy!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Everything Matters

First of all, thank you Diane, for providing this communication tool to help us both in our weight loss journey. I truly hope that we both can inspire each other to become slimmer and healthier women. I have been so miserable for so long and I, like you, do not want to look back in another ten years of frustration thinking "why haven't I lost weight yet?". Pain.
I just left a message for Jennifer Spoonemore to get information on the protein diet. I ALWAYS feel like I can do it alone, but obviously I CANNOT. I want to be healthy. My emotions totally control my eating and I am sad most of the time lately. I need to trust in the Lord and put my troubles "in a box" and not let them rule me. I think if I would just follow the Gospel plan and read the scriptures more and pray more, I would be able to figure out my life a little better.
I have several beautiful outfits that I bought years ago, that I have never worn. I want to wear them and feel good. I avoid doing alot of things because I do not like how I look, so I need to reverse this pattern now.
We can do this, Diane. You can get back on track and I can finally get on track.
I named this post "everything matters" because every bite matters, every choice, and every bit of exercise. It all matters.

A New Day

I realized after I read my first post that I DIDN'T finish story short, I have some big shoes to fill every day when I look at thousands of people around the world who ARE making a difference in there lives. I got an email last week but didn't read it until this morning. You can go under YouTube and look for the one that says Team Hoyt. I cried; rejoiced; and decided that I need to make a difference today after watching that video. Amazingly wonderful!

I know that there are going to be foods that maybe aren't so good for me. Like I just ate a girl scout cookie....I even ate two. Boy, did they taste good! Its over now and I am moving on. I heard an actress say once if you want to eat something that is not so good for you, eat it before lunch and then be good the rest of the day. I like that thought! I ate the cookies at 10:30....and I will be good the rest of the day.

It was helpful to clean out the refrigerator today so I can actually see what is good to eat in it. Makes a big difference when you look inside to see good food waiting to be eaten. One of my favorites is mustard greens; purple cabbage; homemade salsa; other lettuces. The tomatoes aren't very tasty now and so I am not fond of eating them but occasionally I will plug one in for good measure.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I have to say that this is probably the best thing I have started to do all year except maybe write on LDS Journal my happenings. This is a more personalized way to share my journey with optimal health.

I have to thank Jackie, my daughter-in-law for setting this up for me. I KNOW I couldn't have done it on my own without some over the shoulder instructions every minute of every entry. When I talk with Crystal I always tell her I am illiterate. She said Mom that's that you can't read! I said, well then computer illiterate. I keep plugging away in hopes of conquering my weakness.

I would have to say a turning point in my losing weight was an avenue I took with Candace when she and I went on the Ideal Protein diet that I got from Wendy Fike. It was so difficult but over a course of 5 months I had lost 40 lbs. Who would have thought! THEN I have become affected by artificial light with the doctor telling me to go off artificial sweeteners meaning that I would have to go off this diet. Having said that I did not weight myself for three months. I didn't want to know if I had gained any back knowing full well that I had.I had to get real with where I am at with my attitude towards where I was and what I wanted to look like; I needed to start weighing myself and start taking conscious effort of what goes in the mouth and down to the stomach and exercise! Plus I will be 58 YEARS old this year and I surely do not want to have this as a goal that I would have to look at and learn from the next 42 years. I want to have learned it and then live it and move on to other great goals that I have set for myself.

Long story short, I have