
Saturday, April 24, 2010

STEP 5 - -Keep a Food Diary for a Week

People tend to underestimate what they eat by 20 to 50 percent. To take STOCK of what you are really eating; write down your foods and portions every day for a week. Then review what you've eaten.

Your diary will help you see your eating patterns for workdays and weekends and holidays and pinpoint when you tend to overeat. Once you know when those periods of overeating are, you can either make sure you have a healthy snack ready or schedule an activity to keep yourself away from the fridge. (I have done this many times but I think why it hasn't worked for me is because I didn't make it a habit but consistently doing it.)

Cliff got me an iTouch for Christmas and it has on it a place to figure out your calories; fats; sodium; potassium; carbs; proteins....put in exercising. It takes all of the time consuming efforts away from having to look it up etc. But when my life is hectic that too goes by the way side. It has been a couple of weeks since I have recorded anything. Crystal tells me that I can go on the computer under myfitnesspal and copy it off.

STARTING tomorrow....I will faithfully keep a WEEK log of my eating habits and print it off to see how I did. I will record it on here next Saturday!

The next section asks that we count what we drink...that really doesn't affect me much as I am a water drinker and there are no calories in that. But occasionally I will have a protein drink with milk.

They talk about the calories in alcoholic drinks but because I don't drink it is not worth mentioning.

This is what they say about WATER: There is no better thirst quencher. Water has zero calories and it fills you up and keeps your metabolism running more efficiently.

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