
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dr. Oz's Ten Commandments for Weight Loss

I have mentioned to you probably a few times that their are certain topics out there that I am like a sponge; weight loss tips is one of those for me. This is what he said:

1) Thou shalt not wear pants that stretch. Wear set size!
2) Thou shalt not keep fat clothes in your closet when you lose weight.
3) Thou shalt not eat meat that walks on four legs more than once a week.
4) Thou shalt not graze or browse in search of prey? Use your brain rather than impulses. Plan your meal and snacks ahead of time.
5) Thou shalt not eat after 7:30 p.m.
6) Thou shalt not pile food more than 1" high on plate.
7) Thou shalt not chew thy food less than 20 times. It takes awhile for your biological blubber to connect with your brain to say you have enough intake of food. Their is a back and forth chemistry between your stomach and your brain to let you know what weigh you will be happy at.
8) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors plate nor sneak bites of it.
9) Thou shalt not carry small bills. Meaning that the vending machines like your $1 bills and change.
10) Thou shalt not eat while standing up or in a car.

I can say honestly that I do well numbers really well. That is over half the points of success. I have not problem eating a good breakfast which is my favorite meal of the day; lunch second and then dinner third. I usually am done eating by 6:00 every night is always my goal. I have some work on the grazing and browsing end of it all. I am on the road to success. Yahoo!

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